Guild Wars 2 has always advertised in a bubble. How well does fishing stack up to those trailers and features? That's where I am not so sure myself. There are competitors who advertise their MMORPGs. Not necessary, but if players are not compelled by the main features highlighted, that might be a problem. It is a weak main attraction feature though. In fact I'd say it's a great fluff addition to the game. That's just it: fishing is not a bad addition. Yet judging by living world activity and completion as well as how well living world content is able to maintain this player base (which is 90% maps and metas basically with some achievements sprinkled in), not that well or we wouldn't be in need of an expansion, this is baseline stuff. We will also have new story content, again great. That's the thing, so far, this "other" content which is designed for other players seems rather scarce. People does not pick mmo for fishing yeha it is nice to have but it is not selling point I dont say that you have to like at all but to be honest your comment is very condensanding. I play all of the game modes and i know alot of people does. I disagree with 90 of what you where saying. You're not going to like everything introduced in an MMO. If it's not for you, I'm sure there will be bosses, meta events, and even new strike missions coming out with EoD.

Games have to have things for different groups of people. PvP is not content to people who don't ever go into PvP, and there are plenty of them. I can pretty much guarantee more people will fish than will PvP. World bosses are content for some people. Whether you like specific content or not, it's actual content. I always love when people throw around the term actual content.